Advocacy Links

General Assembly of North Carolina - Home page for the North Carolina General Assembly.  Check out recent news and what's on the calendar for the House and Senate.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEAS) - The U.S. Department of Education’s Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) website  brings together IDEA information and resources from the Department and our grantees. 

NC Curriculum - The primary purpose of the K-12 Standards, Curriculum, and Instruction Division is to serve as the authoritative source for the review, revision, and support for the implementation of state content standards in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. 

NC Justice Center - The mission of the NC Justice Center is to eliminate poverty in North Carolina by ensuring that every household in the state has access to the resources, services, and fair treatment it needs to achieve economic security. 

NC School Board Association - NCSBA is the professional organization that represents local boards of education in North Carolina. It is a member-driven association that supports the school governance team—school board members, superintendents, senior administrative staff and board assistants—in its complex leadership role. We help develop, communicate and advocate for the perspective of North Carolina school districts. 

Public School Forum of NC -- Their mission is to provide trusted, nonpartisan, evidence-based research, policy analysis and innovative programs that empower an informed public to demand that education best practice becomes common practice throughout North Carolina. 

Public Schools First NC - Public Schools First NC is a statewide nonpartisan, nonprofit organization focused solely on pre-K–12 public education issues. We collaborate with parents, teachers, business leaders, civic leaders, and communities across North Carolina to advocate for one unified system of public education that will prepare each child for productive citizenship. 

Kids Voting - Kids Voting USA is a nonpartisan, grassroots-driven voter education program committed to creating lifelong voting habits in children, increasing family communication about citizenship, and encouraging greater adult voter turnout.